Farewell Mara


mara good bye london

Our lovely Mara left London today to go back to Germany, she will be going to Berlin soon to start her studies

I have just found the photo of her looking over London from Greenwich

Thank you for everything we’re going to miss you

Farewell Mara it has been lovely knowing you and look forward to seeing you again one day when you come to visit us in London

Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxx

My very first product shot by myself

Yesterday I had the studio on my own for about 3 hours, thank you for that Francesca!

I tried to apply the skills I have learned in the studio so far.

I set the different lights and the backdrop and I took pictures from everything I could find!

Here are some examples:


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I know that I have to achieve a lot of more experience and the pictures aren’t perfect.

But this is why I am doing my internship at “The Light Studios” to learn as much as possible in photography until I am going to leave London in December and going back to Germany.

All the best,



The last day

Hey everyone !

Today is my last day at the Light Studio so it’s a sad day for me. I’ve worked here for 6 weeks and I never got bored. There was always something to do and every day I learned something new. I met really nice people that I will never forget and this internship is a new beginning for me. I’ve done so many things here: taking photos in the studio and outside, modelling, helping to make a video, playing a role in another one … And I enjoy every part of this internship !

Moreover I love London so I wish I could stay longer but, unfortunately, I have to go back to France to go to the University … But London is very close so I will definitively come back here !

These are some photos of London that I took: enjoy !

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Cheers from the French in London !


Yummy biscuits and a new arrival

Hello everyone !

It’s me again, after a nice day off.

Today was so busy ! We had a woman with all these macaroons and biscuits to shoot. There were even Christmas biscuits that looked so good ! As you can see, there were all colours of cookies and that looked very nice on the pictures. The shooting took several hours but at the end it worth it ! 




I really loved these heart lollipops that gave me romantic thoughts.

Now, some people are still shooting several t-shirts in the studio so we have to stay later than usual.


Another good news that I can announce is that another intern did her first day with me today. Her name is Vanessa and she is from Germany and she’ll stay for almost 5 months so you’ll time to get to know her !!

All the best to you all,


In and out

Hello everybody !

The last two days we were outside the studio to shoot a model on the street. First we did a normal photoshoot and I was really impress by the model, she was doing exactly what the photographer wanted, even if he didn’t tell her … she was very professional ! And after the photoshoot we did a video shoot ! It was the first time I saw that kind of shoot ! The fact that they used a bicycle in place of rails was very funny and sometimes everything was falling down ! And at the end, they made a waking up scene which was really good !

Today we got a lot of beautiful dresses to shoot. I thought it will take the day but thanks to the plastic mannequins, (really easy to use) we did it in only 3 hours !!



And that’s all … for now !

Have a great week end everyone


stressed, well dressed and boy band obsessed


Well this title sums it up perfectly… Yesterday we had a very big shoot going on in our studio! It was the first big shoot this week. The next one will be tomorrow. We had a quite well-known boy band in our studio: drumrolls… Union J! It was all very exiting. I’m actually not such a really big fan of Union J. I’ve listened to their music before and I really liked it but it’s not like I know all the lyrics. Although the thought of meeting the boys was very cool! I’ve watched them on the X Factor in 2012 so knew who they were. It’s always kind of cool if you meet celebrities that you usually just know from TV screens or magazines. The shoot was supposed to start at 12 but all of us came in at about 9.30 to set up the studio and to make sure that everything was clean and tidy. When my boss got the call that the boys were in front of the studio it was my job to go outside and to show them the way to our studio. I met them in front of the building and I got a hug and a kiss from everyone. They are much taller than I thought I have to admit! On the screens they looked much smaller. All of them were very nice. They are not putting up some kind of act for the cameras, they are all very kind, caring and just hilarious. There was also a little girl in a wheelchair who had won a meet and greet with the boys. She was overwhelmed with her feelings and her favourite member (George) took some time for comforting her and talking to her. He was very sweet and really cared a lot about her! Union J is not a band made up for the public! They are really nice and most important not fake! The shoot itself was for their new photo app. It went quite well. At first there were way too many people in the studio so that filming was more or less impossible! Eventually we figured out a good way of handling this situation: We created a small seating area outside the studio so that their management as well as their make-up artists could change from being inside and outside the studio whenever they were needed. The shoot was finished a bit earlier than expected but when the guys wanted to leave we had a problem: The amount of fans outside the studio was quite big! Seeing all the girls outside the studio was kind of cool! I have never seen something like that before. It was a long but exiting day… It reminded me again that this internship is an awesome experience! Meeting such a nice band really was one of my highlights of this internship so far! Let’s see what Thursday has in stock for me…


today’s shoot


After a very busy weekend we have The Gentleman’s Journal in our studio today! If you don’t know them check out their website: http://www.thegentlemansjournal.com/

Preparations for this week have already started because we have some very special clients coming to our studio! Keep your eyes on my blog during the following days for more information.


when in the studio

So my task of today was: Cleaning and preparing the studio for our next shoot! Before I went up to the studio, I picked up the steam cleaner in order to swipe the floor properly. When I was upstairs, I noticed that the steam cleaner needed more water so I went to the toilet to get some water. Then I started swiping the floor. I started in the back and moved on to the front. It was harder to do than expected I have to admit… My mission of cleaning the studio properly suddenly seemed to be more difficult than expected. I swiped the floor really hard in order to get rid of all the dirt and dust. After about 45 minutes of swiping I was done with the floor but that wasn’t the end of my cleaning spree. I took some antibacterial spray and started to swipe the tables and utilities in the studio because they needed a good clean as well. As soon as the tables looked clean I started cleaning the mirror in the studio. I was even more dirty than I expected! When everything was clean I went down to get the mannequins for the next shoot and put them in the studio. When I was done I admired my work: Everything looked kind of shiny after all the cleaning. You could probably have a picnic on the floor right now!

Right now I”m very pleased with my work. The studio looks very tidy and clean and our next client should be more than happy.