Hey, I am Vanessa

Hi everyone, my name is Vanessa and I am from Germany. I’m going to do my internship at The Light Studios until December this year. I hope to learn as much as possible in photography and video making.

This week we, the interns, shot our first fashion video. Mara plays a girl who isn’t able to find the perfect dress for their second anniversary.

Charlotte plays her best friend who tries to help her but fails.

I have the responsibility for the camera and the editing.

The shoot was during 2 days and we had a really good make-up artist, Shelly Feldman, a talented actor, Diego Barbosa, who played the boyfriend and Thamizh Thendral who played a Clown in our video.

The filming was trouble-free and incredible funny with all that people together.

We shot at Holland Park, Fulham Palace and Oxford Circus.

Here are some expressions:

DSC_0094 DSC_0046


This and next week I am going to edit the video and upload it as soon as possible.

All the best to you,


a feature film and psychology


Today we had a very interesting shoot in our studio! It was part of a feature film which is going to be released this April. We had this huge green paper as a backdrop and four lights up for the shoot. Basically it was supposed to be like an interview with a question followed by an answer. I was helping them so it was my part to read the question. A book author and psychologist/scientist called Chris answered the question. His answers will be shown in the film so you could say that I was involved in a feature film. How cool is that?! We also had a professional videographer just for that shoot. Everything went pretty good. Chris was talking about the brain and its chemical effects, the heart and its importance as well as our mysterious mind. I was quite fascinated by his theories. In fact they seemed to be a bit similar to some theories of Siegmund Freud or Nietzsche! I think that the understanding of how our brain and our mind/consciousness work is very important and fascinating at the same time. In the end the shoot took us about four hours but we got some very good footage. I also learned quite a lot today! Not only about videography but also about the brain and our minds in general. All in all it was a very interesting and cool day.