there is no business like show/music business


Video shoot after video shoot is going by and time is flying fast. People are being ushered around, make-up is being fixed, the filming days are getting longer and longer. You think that I’m getting tired of this? No way! That’s the most amazing part of the business if you ask me! Lots of people involved in a project, seeing it all come together and creating some amazing work of art, that’s what it’s all about in my opinion. You can literally see how passionate people are about their work.

During the last couple of weeks we had some really amazing video shoots. The first one I would like to tell you about was the video shoot for the band “Pony & Trap” performing their song “Time To Engage”. After the shoot our videographer did an amazing job with editing all of it and creating a really cool music video for them. It’s fresh, new and colourful. Have a look:

Do you want to hear something new, exciting and completely different? Then you should definitely check out the band called “The 45s”. They are an upcoming British boy band from Carlisle and we had the honour of doing two music videos for them! It all started in Camden where we were filming them having a walk around stables market and such while messing around. We got some really cool footage. In the evening they had a gig in this area so we filmed them while performing. The audience loved them and so did/do we! These boys are extremely talented as they are only teenagers and write all of their music themselves. You should really check them out:

Enough about music now. We also have a new shoot for Bounce BMX coming up. Do you remember our last shoot for them? It was thrilling and a great success. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, have a look: These riders were just incredible and our video shows pretty good what you can do with such an awesome mini bike!

Camden, Kentish and the Overground

bmx flying in the sky IMG_2060

So yesterday was one of my travel days through London again… Before work I did some shopping for a friend of mine. It’s her birthday next week and I bought some small presents for her. First I printed some pictures at Boots and afterwards I went to Covent Garden in order to buy a specific jumper. I thought the shops opened at about 10am but it turned out that they opened at 10:30 so I had to wait another half an hour. The guy working at the shop was quite rude to me but I had to get that jumper so I didn’t have much of a choice… My intention was to go straight to the post office in order to send all the presents to my friend but because that shop opened later than expected I didn’t have any time left for that so I went to work. The odds weren’t in my favour so I spend about 45 minutes to get to the office because there were problems with the tube. I arrived at the office at about 11:30. My boss suggested that I should go to the closet post office straight away. I was really glad that she said that! So I went to the post office, send all the presents to my friend and bought some tape for my boss…

When I got back to the office I was able to take part in a very interesting meeting! It was about a shoot for a short clip for a big music channel in the UK. Many celebrities are going to come to the studio for that. Those people are well-known all over the world! I can’t say the names of them but we’re working together with Universal for this shoot… It’s going to be a busy day for us and I”m so looking forward to that! I”ll definitely update all of my readers about the shoot so keep an eye on my blog.

After the meeting my boss send me to pick up a hard drive from a videographer. He was supposed to give us some footage. At first I was told to go to Kentish Town tube station and to meet him there. It took me ages to get there… When I arrived I got a text saying that I have to go to Canonbury Overground station to meet him there. By that time it was already dark so I was looking for Kentish Town West Overground station in an area where I have never been. Eventually I found it and went up there. Then I got a call telling me to just go outside the station to meet him there. So after almost 2.5 hours I’ve finally managed to get that hard drive! That was my adventurous travel adventure from yesterday.